Obesity Clinic
Obesity is a medical condition characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat, to the extent that it may have a negative impact on a person’s health. It is typically determined by measuring body mass index (BMI), which is calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters.
Obesity is a complex condition that can result from a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Poor dietary choices, sedentary lifestyles, and genetic predisposition are some common contributing factors. Additionally, socioeconomic factors, such as limited access to healthy foods and opportunities for physical activity, can also play a role in the development of obesity.
Obesity poses significant health risks, including an increased likelihood of developing chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer, and musculoskeletal disorders. It can also lead to psychological and social challenges, as individuals may experience low self-esteem, depression, and discrimination.
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As Odin Clinic, we always prefer the best quality and best materials. That’s why we prefer Covidien, an American brand with worldwide proven quality, rather than cheap Chinese-made products.
There are hundreds of clinics and hospitals that carry out obesity treatment in Turkiye and around the world. Our differential as Odin Clinic is that we are a multidisciplinary clinic that focuses only on obesity. Our team includes a PhD professor and an associate professor. We have achieved 100% patient satisfaction by performing thousands of successful surgeries to date.
Of course, we can give you his video showing the whole process after the surgery.
We carry out individualized postoperative follow-up, and our nutritionists, specialized in obesity, accompany you for up to 3 years.
Yes, we perform our obesity surgeries in Istanbul or Izmir. You can also choose whatever you like.
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What Clients Say Us
“Tanto a receção , no aeroporto como a receção na clinica Odin fui bem recebida as pessoas muito amaveis, sempre prontas a ajudar .5
Aconselho muito esta clinica. Muito obrigado.”

“I found Odin Clinic with the recommendation of a friend of mine. Everyone was extremely professional and friendly. I did not meet with any surprise. And extremely satisfied with the result. I think I will also get help with weight loss. I would like to thanks all of them. Thank you Odin Clinic.”

“Mi pensar sobre la clínica es sobre mi propia espériencia soi mui buenos mui ordenador limpios dan un buen trato la encargada de traducir es mui amable volvería si. Pensarlo la recomiendo mucho.”

“Делала шунтирование желудка в июне 2022 года, при самой операции у меня оказалась грижа на пищеводе, доктор доцент Месут мне её удалил, за что ему очень благодарна, так как меня мучали проблемы из за этого, а я сама не знала от чего это. Похудела уже на 35 кг, чувствую себя отлично. Рекомендую эту клинику , всё навысшем уровне. Спасибо вам большое, за то я сейчас живу и бегаю”

Наталья Павленчак
“Давно мучалась с лишнем весом, вот наконец то решилась на резекцию желудка, обратилась в клинику, которая находится в Турции. За 4 месяца похудела на 18 кг. Огромная благодарность ОДИН КЛИНИК, врачам, Айгуль и Татьяне, которые помогали, поддерживали всё это время!”